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Freedom of Speech

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Take the Censorship.Science Pledge to Use Absolute Freedom of Speech as a Litmus Test for Voting, and Pledge to Only Vote for Candidates and Judges who Support Absolute Freedom of Speech, Absolutely.

"I Pledge to Only Vote for Candidates and Judges who Pledge to Fight For Absolute Freedom of Speech, and who Pledge to Strike Down and Vote Against or Rule Unconstitutional any Law which Criminalizes Speech."


I Proudly take the Pledge!

Matthew Edward Hooker

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April 30, 2023

Censorship by the Right


On the right of the political spectrum, free speech is also under attack, with environmentalists and serious ecologically-minded scientists being censored, so that what they say or report does not harm powerful interests and businesses like the fossil fuel industry, or orthodox religion, etc.

April 30, 2023

Censorship by the Left


Today, in 2023, free speech is under attack from all sides. By this I mean that the “left” has made it clear that “insults” will not be tolerated. Unfortunately, these people believe that every group or individual gets to decide what is or is not an “insult”, with the result being that free speech no longer exists in the West because of this extreme “political correctness”, as I call it.